Terms and conditions


Unless otherwise agreed in writing and signed by the Director of Ria'Shai all goods are supplied on these conditions to the exclusion of any terms or conditions of the buyer and of any representation, warranty or communication not expressly included.


Unless otherwise stated, all prices

  1. are net ex-Works, and apply only to the total quantities and delivery dates or rates specified. Additional costs incurred by us on account of any alterations made at the buyer’s request to quantities, delivery dates or rates or agreed changes in specifications shall be borne by the buyer.
  2. are based on current costs at date of quotation and are subject to Increase to the extent of any subsequent alterations in exchange rates, new or Increased taxes, duties or other Imposts or of any Increase In the costs of or relating to manufacture or delivery.


  1. The time and place(s) of delivery shall be as specified in the buyer's order.
  2. All delivery dates or periods are to be treated as estimates only unless we have expressly undertaken in writing to guarantee delivery by a specified date. Deliveries may in any event be postponed or suspended without liability during any period in which circumstances of any kind outside our direct control hinder or prevent the manufacture or dispatch of the goods.


  1. If the buyer cancels all or part of an order at any time the buyer shall forthwith upon demand reimburse us for any costs incurred by or on behalf of us in dealing with such cancelled order.
  2. In addition to and without prejudice to subsection (a) above, in the case of cancellation:
  • notified to us less than seven days before the due delivery date the buyer shall pay us 10% of the value of the cancelled order; and
  • of an order for goods to be made in accordance with the buyer’s designs, patterns or specifications, if such cancellation takes place after all or part of such goods have been made or begun to be made then the buyer shall pay us the full agreed price of all goods made or begun to be made up to the time of cancellation. In such circumstances all fully or partly finished goods will be delivered to the buyer at his request and expense.